Tag Archives: dog

Have We All Met Neville?

Image source Instagram

If you were to skim through my Instagram feed, you’d quickly notice I follow a whole lotta pups, and a whole lotta fashion. What really gets me to go berserk with the double taps? When the two collide.

It’s for this reason that one of my favorite Instagram celebs right now is Neville Jacobs, the sassy bull terrier that belongs to Marc Jacobs. No stranger to the social world, Neville maintains an active account for his 83k loyal followers. I’m personally a big fan of Marc Jacobs, so it’s no surprise that his pup would be king of the fashion world K-9s.

Here are some of my favorite Neville moments:

Ready for rain…

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 Prepping for fashion week…

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Being absurdly trendy…

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Hating Monday morning…

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Rocking the leather jacket…

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…and last but not least, hanging with his best friend Charlie.

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Posted by Iman

The Ultimate Halloween Showdown

It’s that time of the year, folks — time to head to the nearest iParty in search of the perfect Halloween ensemble. Or if you’re like me, scrounge for something around your house 10 minutes before you walk out the door (did you know a sheet with two holes cut out makes a great ghost?!).

Over recent years, costume companies have gotten creative with their “sexy” female getups, trying to capitalize on the fact that young women like to dress like sluts on Halloween (even if that means being a Sesame Street character?). And some retailers took it WAY too far (remember the Anna Rexia controversy of 2011?).

My favorite part about Halloween has never been seeing what crazy, creative costumes people will come up with. For me, it’s more about how people will dress up their dog.

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4Image source Vancouver Island Pet Expo


So you can imagine my excitement when I stumbled across a post on Mashable pitting sexy chicks and adorable pugs head-to-head in costume.

Here’s a preview:

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IIIII know, right?!

Check out the whole thing here.

(Spoiler alert: hands down, pugs take it every time.)

Posted by Erin D.


Anyone who follows my m.blog posts knows how I feel about dogs. Plain and simple, I can’t get enough of ‘em. Want to know the way to my heart (okay, besides my stomach)? Send me any and every adorable puppy video you come across. Swoooon!

On Instagram, this obsession has taken form in a growing number of celeb-status French Bulldogs who now populate my feed. There’s something about Frenchies’ hilariously unamused expressions thanks to mini frowns and fish eyes that make my heart flutter.

Need an end of summer pick-me-up? I highly recommend following these French-stagram accounts:


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Possibly the most noteworthy of all Frenchie accounts, the @3bulldogges crew is best known for pint-sized costumes, their great sense of humor, impressive stunts and well-rehearsed skits.


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The most prim and proper of Frenchie accounts on Instagram can be found via @renecharlesnyc, a sophisticated Manhattan pup who enjoys fashion, puppaccinos, sunset strolls and luxurious accommodations. Don’t we all?


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A somewhat worried, always dapper brunette, @pierrebrando could teach us all a thing or two about living life to the fullest.


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New to the Instagram game, @kobethefrenchie has made a strong impact thanks to his willingness to color outside the lines (read: sand consumption) and do things his own way.

So many pooch accounts, so little time.

Posted by Mary

Humans of New York Goes Doggy-Style


A recent article on Gawker poses several refreshing thoughts about the now-famous photoblog Humans of New York (HONY). If you haven’t heard of it, the blog has amassed 8.8 million Facebook likes (that’s more than New York’s population!), and attempts to encapsulate individual New Yorkers with a photo and quote. Along with explaining just how HONY is clickbait, the writer goes on to enlighten us about founder Brandon Stanton’s propagation of stereotypes. One of the writer’s major points is that the angle of the photos and the captions chosen aren’t really fair. Of course, while not exactly “going there,” his article reminds us that two items on a screen cannot and should not disillusion us to think we’re viewing a complete human being. In summary, those who already have a preconceived idea of what New Yorkers (or just people) are really like, will be titillated to find that their pre-perceptions are right and stimulated to continue to popularize HONY.

Luckily, in dog world, we need not worry about these big words and theories, since every pooch was created equal (tell that to a dog show participant!). The Dogist, a site established after HONY, got its start photographing the furrier side of New York City. The founder Elias accepts submissions, does not share doggie quotes or suggestive photos, and does not propagate labels. It’s just good family fun, folks! But just for funsies, and because dogs are everything rainbows and snuggles, here is what they might have to say, should they ever gain the ability to speak:

“My parents didn’t want me sitting around the house all summer, so they made me be a shepherd.” (original quote here)

Image source TheDoggist.com

“Should I do my dinosaur face?”

“Yes.” (original source here)

Image source TheDogist.com

“How’d you meet?”

“We were both looking at the same sculpture.” (original quote here)

Image source TheDogist.com

“I’ve done a lot of whacked out shit for money.” (original quote here)

Image source Tumblr.com

“I hate conflict so much that I find myself agreeing with pretty much everything that everyone says.” (original quote here)

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“The women love my glasses.” (original quote here)

Image source TheDoggist.com

“You want us to act natural? Watch this. We can do natural.” (original quote here)

Image source TheDogist.com

“Our moms set us up” (original quote here)

Image source TheDogist.com

“Hold on. This will look cool” (original quote here)

Image source TheDogist.com

“Let me get sexy.” (original quote here)

Image source TheDoggest.com

“What’s going on here?”

“Just taking a walk.” (original quote here)

Image source TheDogist.com

Posted by Audrey

Dog Street Journal

dog Image source WeKnowMemes.com

Thanks to recent viral footage of a dog attacking a small child, who was then successfully rescued by a cat, dogs have been getting a pretty bad rap in the news lately. As soon as a sly cat does one thing to better the world, everyone applauds. Dogs rescue people and perform miracles every day and you don’t see them asking for international recognition. Let’s compare: A YouTube search for “cat rescues child” produces less than 7,000 results. A YouTube search for “dog rescues child” generates more than 81,000. You do the math. So you can understand why it doesn’t sit right with me that no one has done anything to defend man’s best friend.

There are several reasons why dogs deserve more attention than cats. First of all, dogs do so much more for the world. What has your cat done lately? Probably just stepped on all the keys on your keyboard and got some cat litter stuck in there, is what. Now, I hate to discriminate, but you could fill an entire newspaper with dog-related news. A cat newspaper would be blank, since all they would do is rip it into shreds, play with the rolled up balls of paper, or hide under it. If you don’t believe me, all the proof you need is below:

News People care that other people are leaving their dogs in the car while they spend hours in Target’s $1 section. A cop in LA rescued 2 dogs named Simba and Scar from a car by smashing the windows, owners were arrested, and a charity begins PSA campaign. Cats think every car ride means the vet, which is probably true since you can’t bring them anywhere and they can’t have nice things.

Studies Dogs are proven to have a moral code and emotions. It was also recently proven that dogs are capable of loving their owners. Cats know nothing of these things.

Health Dogs are your best friend, your therapist, and now, your doctor. Don’t bother complaining to a cat as the only reaction you will get is a hairball at most, before it slinks away.

Tech Even though they will more likely chase the drone than be walked by it, dogs can be just as high tech as you. Cats are only interested in sleeping near your computer for the warmth.

Crime National Dog Bite Awareness Week means educating yourself about how to approach a dog. This is not an issue for anyone looking to pet a cat, as it will avoid you at all costs.

Profiles This guy profiles dogs in cities, similar to Humans of New York. There is no way he owns a snarky cat.

Products Dogs don’t need many products but this one is a must for summertime camping. You know you can’t risk bringing the cat camping since it would definitely leave you.

Sports Highlights from the 2013 Flyball competition in which dogs continue to be agile, intelligent, and cute. There are no cat sports and there is a reason for that.

Internet Disclaimer: Cats are great.

Posted by Audrey