And the Gold Medal Goes to….YouTube!

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If the recent heat waves don’t already have you hot and bothered, then prepare for the temperature to be cranked up a couple degrees more – the countdown to the 2012 Summer Olympics has begun! In five short days, athletes from all over the world will be descending upon the Olympic Arena in London, taking off their tracksuits and stripping down to their skin tight, barely-there uniforms. So crank up your AC, fill those ice trays and get ready for the Olympics!

But wait… what about those of us who can’t park ourselves in front of our televisions, fans in hand, to drool over watch the men’s beach volleyball team, the men’s swim team, the men’s…ahem, I digress. Well my fellow workers of the world, no need to get your knickers in a twist because I have splendid news! (Cue movie voice-over voice) From the source that brought us Charlie Bit My Finger, Rebecca Black’s Friday and Christian the Lion, now YouTube brings to a computer screen/iPhone/Android/iPod (basically anything with internet) near you…The 2012 Summer Olympic Games!!

Yep, the 2012 Olympics will be streamed live on The International Olympic Committee’s YouTube channel in 64 countries world-wide.  NBC, aka the official broadcaster of the Olympics, is teaming up with YouTube to provide a constant stream of Olympic competition. This is the first year that every single Olympic game will be available to viewers, whether they are at the beach, outside drinking sangria or enjoying the summer from the comfort of their own work cubicle! So while some may be opening tabs at bars to watch the Olympics, others (myself included) will be opening up their own tabs and charging them straight to YouTube!

Posted by Katherine

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  1. Pingback: Kenya: Javelin Throwing Olympian Trains Using YouTube · Global Voices

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