Tag Archives: Corgi

An Ode to the Corgi

Image source Animalwallpaper.com

Generally speaking, I’m a friend to the animals. For most of my childhood, my family had a brain-dead Shih Tzu (RIP Captain Lillehammer). We also had an idyllic four-month stint with a rescued Greyhound my mother named Connemara before he tweaked out over a squirrel and bit a pretty significant part of my little sister’s elbow off. And our home always had a steady stream of flea-ridden cats my older sister would “rescue” (aka steal) from abandoned barns around town. I was never far from some four-legged fun. Later on in my adolescence, I had hamsters who would escape from their cages to burrow in between walls, which my father would then have to rip apart and put back together to rescue poor little “Fluffy.” And in college, a couple of my roommates and I rescued a Dalmatian puppy with severe ADHD and an affliction for peeing/puking/pooping on my duvet.

Naturally, the thought of being a pet owner today doesn’t really do it for me. But if I was forced to have a pet, it would definitely be a Corgi. Sure, they’ve got royal pedigree thanks to being the Queen of England’s preferred breed. But more than anything, I’m drawn to the Corgi for the pure and simple fact that it is an evolutionary joke – at least to me. It’s a full-sized dog on mini dog legs! It’s a lumbering, barrel-chested beast who has to carry its meaty body on four little cat-sized legs. What’s funnier than that?!*

*This: a Corgi doing tricks.

So if anyone out there is looking for a good home for their Corgi, or wouldn’t mind me taking their pet out for a spin while mocking it continuously, you know where to find me!

 Posted by Amelia