Boston Hipsters Need Better PR

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Boston may be home to the Allston Rock City and the Cuppow, but our fair city pales in comparison to hipster havens like Seattle, Portland (Oregon) and San Francisco — at least according to a new ranking by Travel + Leisure for “America’s Best Cities for Hipsters.” Though Boston is “steeped in tradition” (read: obsessed with non-edgy things like sports, history and classical music), we pulled into a fairly-respectable #17 spot on the list of 20, narrowly beating out hipster hotspots like Los Angeles (home to Justin Bobby of The Hills — clearly the hipster street cred is high in LA), Nashville (home to what I imagine is a city’s worth of old-school country-inspired facial hair) and Kansas City (…um, what?).

It surprises me that straight-laced (at least to me) cities like Philadelphia and San Diego beat out Boston, a place that hosts a music/art/technology festival and a monthly bar event called NerdNite. And let’s not forget about the entire city of Cambridge, of which I am a proud resident. To me, Boston is screaming hipster. Perhaps the siren song is falling on deaf ears. Or people wearing these.

Full disclaimer: The above picture is probably of some (not so obscure) hipster band, but I’m none the wiser/cooler. It’s the second thing that comes up when you do a Google image search for “hipster Boston.” So there.

Posted by Amelia

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