Tag Archives: Instagram

Shake it Off


We all like being in the know, but sometimes, living under a rock is awesome. Prime example? Pet photographer Carli Davidson has released a new book called Shake Puppies, a sequel to last year’s wildly popular Shake. I had no idea Shake existed, which means that while longtime Davidson fans are getting one new book, I’m getting two. I imagine this is the fluffier, cuddlier version of discovering Harry Potter after all seven books were published. It’s almost gratuitous, but mostly amazing. And definitely, definitely enough to make me consider leaving the PR game for a new career as a puppy photographer.

Look – here’s a picture of me with my new colleagues! Kidding. That’s Carli Davidson herself, literally making Shake happen.


Carli, who you can follow on Instagram at @carli_davidson for even more puppy madness, recently sat down with Fast Company’s Co.Create to chat about the new book and preview a few shots. Below are a few of my favorites!

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All images source FastCoCreate.com

Posted by Erin K.

This Instagram Account Is DEFINITELY More Important Than Kim K’s Butt

Last Thursday morning I was stumped. Faced with the weekly challenge of finding something interesting and worthwhile to share with m.blog readers and packing it into a three paragraph, photo-filled sassy synopsis was simply too much for me to handle. While scrolling through Buzzfeed, Mashable, and Yahoo!Trending News, it seemed that the only thing somewhat notable that happened last week was Kim Kardashian’s butt which — to be honest — is nothing new. Plus, I’ve pledged to myself to never write about the Kardashians. So that brings me to today’s topic. Relevant? Not really. Kardashian-free? Absolutely.

Of late, I’ve been particularly interested in the Instagram account guysandtheirdogs, displaying the ultimate bond between man and his best friend. Oh yes—it’s a sight to see.

MEN: I believe I speak for the whole population of women that having a dog, in fact, DOES make you more attractive. If you don’t believe me, ask my bald-headed uncle who paraded his black poodle around Boston for years. It was a success in his book (gross), and is sure to work for you too.

I’ve included a few bootie-free shots below for your enjoyment. You’re welcome…in more ways than one.

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Images source Instagram

Posted by Emily


Have We All Met Neville?

Image source Instagram

If you were to skim through my Instagram feed, you’d quickly notice I follow a whole lotta pups, and a whole lotta fashion. What really gets me to go berserk with the double taps? When the two collide.

It’s for this reason that one of my favorite Instagram celebs right now is Neville Jacobs, the sassy bull terrier that belongs to Marc Jacobs. No stranger to the social world, Neville maintains an active account for his 83k loyal followers. I’m personally a big fan of Marc Jacobs, so it’s no surprise that his pup would be king of the fashion world K-9s.

Here are some of my favorite Neville moments:

Ready for rain…

Image source Instagram

 Prepping for fashion week…

Image source Instagram

Being absurdly trendy…

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Hating Monday morning…

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Rocking the leather jacket…

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…and last but not least, hanging with his best friend Charlie.

Image source Instagram

Posted by Iman

Started from the Bottom Now We’re Here – with a Bunch of Stuff We Don’t Really Need

image001About a month ago, one of my lovely colleagues blogged about Meghan Trainor, the songstress behind the summer smash “All About that Bass.” Like all good m.blogs, this one inspired a bit of an Internet spiral as I clicked through reviews, interviews, and eventually a snarky critique of the lyrics over on Feministing.com. (Swear to God, Marlo, this only took 15 minutes.) Penned by blogger Chloe Angyal, the Feministing review boils down to Angyal saying the song is “disappointing” because Trainor’s love of her curves hinges on the fact that they bring all the boys to the yard. My gut reaction: so f-ing what? She wants boys in her yard. Great. Better than a surplus of garden gnomes.

The write up really irked me in that it ruined a fun, light summer song by over analyzing the lyrics and adding a healthy dose of what a response post on The Frisky called “finger-wagging: Well, what men think shouldn’t matter!” As stated in the aforementioned response post, sometimes it does, and so what? It’s the over analytical, no-fun nonsense that gives the word “feminist” a bad name.

That said, I felt pretty proud of myself once I put the anger aside. There I was, a card carrying feminist who is totally able to digest fun pop culture without being a downer. Props, snaps and what have you to wonderful, discerning, me. Then Elite Daily happened.

Sent along as something “fun” to read by a friend, I at first read through Elite Daily’s list of the 26 “ultimate status symbols for girls” with a grain of salt. A lot of it was funny, the pictures were cute, and the list ends with a triumphant “Breaking the Glass Ceiling.” I should be good here, right? Wrong. While en route to breaking the glass ceiling, there were a few hyper-traditional milestones and social conventions we girls are supposed to attain/adhere to. And while I don’t have a problem with and certainly haven’t been immune to juice cleanses, skipping the bread basket, and stopping by Soul Cycle, it does bother me that a specific type of body is the implied result of these things. I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with “older finance boyfriends,” Harry Winston diamond rings, and nannies on their own, but it does bother me that they’re tagged as ways women can show that they’re better than everyone else (because that’s what a status symbol is, right?).

Ultimately, this is Elite Daily we’re talking about, so I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. Rather than rattling on about how boyfriends/bling/babies shouldn’t increase your social worth (or ever, ever be touted as the adult version of a Tiffany dog tag necklace), I’ll share what I consider to be best of the bunch.


Yes! This is definitely good. Start that career off right!


Killin’ it!


I already told you, I like spinning. Sue me.


Work hard


Play hard


Giving back. It’s a good thing!


Silly Elite Daily – these are the adult version of a Tiffany dog tag necklace.


Also good. We all wanna be @llewllewtoo. Ain’t no shame in that.


Duh – you got all that practice on Instagram.


Woo! I’ve never seen shattered glass look so much like confetti!

All images source EliteDaily.com

Posted by Erin K. 


Ever wake up and scroll through your Instagram feed to find a handful of inspiring, uber-corny quotes on picturesque backgrounds? I do. And let me tell you, while I appreciate a good pep talk every now and then, there are only so many cheesy quotes and silly hashtags (#blessed #humble) one gal can handle.

Enter @Unspirational, the ying to all those corny quotations’ yang in the form of an incredibly popular (I’m talkin’ 41,000 followers) Instagram account. With the slogan, “welcome to reality,” @Unspirational pokes fun at those ooey gooey sayings with hilarious sound bites on artsy backgrounds.

Feeling cynical like me? Tag an over-quoting offender in one of my favorite #realitycheck posts:

Image source Instagram.com


Image source Instagram.com

Maybe someday technology will work that way…

Image source Instagram.com

My apologies to loyal m.blog readers for the vulgarity, but that’s one of my favorites.

Image source Instagram.com

I am so guilty of this. #thetruthhurts.

Image source Instagram.com

That one is actually really mean and my feelings are hurt. We all know how I feel about Ryan.

All I can say is #sorryimnotsorry.

Posted by Mary